Safeguarding Policy for Children Under 18

Safeguarding Policy for Premier Boxing League

Effective Date: 05/09/2021

Premier Boxing League Safeguarding Policy for Children Under 18


Premier Boxing League (PBL) Ltd is dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals, particularly children under the age of 18, who participate in PBL events. This safeguarding policy is designed to outline the measures and procedures in place to protect young participants and create a secure environment for their involvement.

1. Appointment of Child Protection Officer (CPO):

Phil Juniper has been appointed as the dedicated Child Protection Officer (CPO) for the organisation.

The CPO will oversee all matters related to safeguarding children within the organisation, including implementing policies, providing training, and handling concerns or reports regarding child welfare.

2. Code of Conduct:

PBL will establish a comprehensive code of conduct that clearly outlines expected behaviour for all individuals involved in PBL activities, emphasising respect, fairness, and the well-being of children.

Participants, including coaches, officials, volunteers, and spectators, will be required to adhere to this code of conduct at all times.

3. Recruitment and Training:

All personnel working directly with children, such as coaches, officials, and volunteers, will undergo thorough background checks and receive comprehensive training in child protection and safeguarding procedures.

Training sessions will cover topics such as recognising signs of abuse, appropriate response protocols, and reporting procedures.

4. Supervision and Ratio:

PBL will ensure that there is adequate supervision of children at all times during events and activities.

A designated minimum adult-to-child ratio will be maintained to ensure proper supervision and support for young participants.

5. Safe Environment:

PBL is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children participating in its events, including ensuring appropriate venue facilities, equipment, and first aid provisions.

Regular risk assessments will be conducted to identify and address potential hazards to children's safety.

6. Reporting and Response:

Any concerns or suspicions regarding the welfare of a child will be taken seriously and addressed promptly by the CPO, or relevant authorities as necessary.

PBL will have clear reporting procedures in place, and all staff and volunteers will be required to report any safeguarding concerns to the CPO or the appropriate authorities.

7. Communication and Awareness:

PBL will communicate its safeguarding policy and procedures to all stakeholders, including parents/guardians, participants, staff, and volunteers.

Information regarding child protection and welfare will be readily available and accessible to all involved parties.

8. Review and Monitoring:

The safeguarding policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with current best practices and legal requirements.

PBL will monitor the implementation of the policy and conduct periodic evaluations to assess its impact and seek feedback from stakeholders for continuous improvement.

9. Conclusion:

Premier Boxing League Ltd is committed to prioritizing the safety and welfare of children participating in its events. With the CPO as the trained Child Protection Officer, along with comprehensive policies and procedures in place, PBL aims to provide a secure and supportive environment for all young athletes involved in PBL activities.

10. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about this Safeguarding Policy, please contact us at

Last Updated: 01/01/2024

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